Eligibility Verification for the Independent Campus Competition Program (PK-KM) Year 2024: Science Education Study Program has the opportunity to defend its proposal

March 8-9, 2024, Jakarta - The Science Education Study Program of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) of Yogyakarta State University (UNY) had the opportunity to undergo eligibility verification in the Independent Campus competition program in 2024. The event was held at eL Hotel Kelapa Gading, Jakarta. In this verification series, three task forces from the UNY Science Education study program, namely Rizki Arumning Tyas, Purwanti Widhy Hastuti, and Sabar Nurohman, accompanied by various parties such as KKN, PK, PI, and Internship Officers, Taskforce Chairpersons, 3 Academic Staff, 1 Planning Staff, and 1 RKSIU Staff participated in presenting their programs. UNY had previously submitted five study programs in the administrative selection, and at the next stage, namely substance selection, the Science Education study program was chosen to proceed to the eligibility verification stage. UNY Science Education study program carries the theme "Accelerating the Quality and Competitiveness of UNY Science Education Study Program to Prepare Transformative Science Teachers through Collaboration and Internationalization of Study Programs". They have four main activities that are the focus of attention in this program:

  • Strengthening the Competence of Lecturers and Education Personnel to Prepare for Fulfillment of International Standards.
  • Increasing the Mobility and Reputation of Lecturers and Students in the country as a manifestation of MBKM implementation.
  • Development and Standardization of Project STEM Laboratories to Support Research and Simulation Based Learning.
  • Strengthening the implementation of National Independent MBKM to Increase Student Competitiveness. 

Verification of program eligibility is an important step in ensuring that the proposed program meets the criteria set by Kemendikbudristek. It is hoped that the Science Education study program of FMIPA UNY can make a positive contribution in producing innovative solutions that benefit society and strengthen the ecosystem of innovation and creativity among Indonesian students.