Science Education Lecturer Provides Training for Science Teachers MGMP Yogyakarta City related to Innovation Learning Design Based on Virtual Lab-Based Scientific Investigation to Develop Learning & Innovation Skills

Learning and Innovation Skills or also known as 4Cs Skills which include critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration, are important abilities to be mastered by students in the XII Century. Therefore, it is important for teachers to be able to develop these 4Cs Skills through science learning. Unfortunately, many teachers still find it difficult to do this. Reflecting on this condition, the Community Service Team (PkM) of the Department of Science FMIPA UNY consisting of Widodo Setiyo Wibowo, M.Pd., Dr. Sabar Nurohman, M.Pd., Drs. Al. Maryanto, M.Pd., and Dr. Laifa Rahmawati, M.Pd. with the help of students conducted training related to the application of science learning designs that are able to develop this ability. The team introduced a learning design called Virtual Lab-Based Scientific Investigation (VLSI). VLSI is a learning design based on scientific investigation by utilizing virtual lab technology. This design is the result of research conducted by the team in 2022 and this training is a means to disseminate the results to the audience so that they can be applied so that they can be a solution in developing 4Cs Skills.

Located in the courtroom II FMIPA UNY, this activity took place in August 2023 and was attended by 29 participants. In general, the training activities consisted of three stages. At the initial stage, the team gave a pretest to determine the participants' initial understanding of the 4Cs Skills and VLSI design. The next stage was the delivery of material, starting with material on 21st century challenges, the urgency of 4Cs Skills for students, VLSI-based science learning design, and integration of 4Cs Skills in VLSI-based science learning. After the material session, participants participated in workshop activities to develop learning tools based on VLSI and integrated 4Cs Skills. In the last stage, the team gave a posttest to see the participants' understanding after the training. In addition, participants were also asked to provide an evaluation regarding the implementation of the training. The results of the training showed that the participants' understanding had increased. In addition, participants have also been able to develop the assigned tools. The hope is that these tools will be applied in learning in their respective schools and transmitted to their colleagues. The evaluation results also showed that the participants gave a positive response to this training and hoped that this kind of cooperation would continue to be established on the next occasion.