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Optimizing Science Learning: Science Education Study Program Lecturers Accompany Science Teachers MGMP Bantul to Learn Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) and the Use of Generator Technology
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The Science Education Department of FMIPA UNY has conducted a workshop on Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) and the use of generator technology at SMP Negeri 2 Kretek, Parangtritis, Bantul. This activity was held on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 and was attended by 30 teachers from Bantul Science MGMP representatives. This activity was opened by Prof. Zuhdan Kun Prasetyo, M.Ed who said that this community service activity is a sharing event so that the latest information related to science learning in particular can be disseminated. In this activity there were 2 main topics delivered by 2 community service lecturer teams. Topic 1 is related to Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) based learning which involves Prof. Zuhdan Kun Prasetyo, M.Ed, Joko Sudomo, M.A, Dr. Ismail Fikri Natadiwijaya, M.Pd, and Putri Anjarsari, M.Pd as team leaders, as well as Rima Dewi, S.Pd as an alumnus of the science education study program who presents CRT material from the practical side.
While the second topic related to generator technology was delivered by Purwanti Widhy Hastuti, M.Pd as the head of the service, along with the team namely Drs. Eko Widodo, Rizki Arumningtyas, M.Pd, and Putri Anjarsari, M.Pd. Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) is a learning approach that recognizes the importance of students' cultural references in all aspects of learning. This CRT training aims to equip teachers in teaching students with different backgrounds. Some of the things learned in the CRT workshop include the profile of Pancasila learners, the preparation of teaching modules with the CRT approach, and learning assessment in the independent curriculum. The second training material is the use of generator technology to optimize learning. Generator technology is a technology that automatically creates teaching modules using generators assisted by Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. On this occasion, MGMP Bantul teachers had the opportunity to try using this generator technology to develop teaching modules. The teachers seemed very enthusiastic in the implementation of this training. The material presentation activity was continued with the preparation of CRT-based teaching modules assisted by generator technology and mentoring. Hopefully, this training can optimize the competence of science teachers, especially in the Bantul area.
Kontak Kami
Program Studi Pendidikan IPA
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
Email: s1pend_ipa@uny.ac.id
Instagram: @depdikipauny
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