IPA Family Dialogue: Bridging Aspirations, Building Solutions

The IPA Family Dialogue is part of a series of work programs organized by the Student Welfare Department of HIMA IPA FMIPA UNY 2024. This event is designed to serve as a channel for conveying the aspirations, critiques, suggestions, and issues faced by IPA Education students. The aim is to foster communicative, aspirational, critical, and caring students for the advancement of IPA Education. The IPA Family Dialogue provides an essential platform for enhancing relationships between students, lecturers, and the academic community. The event is conducted through the distribution of surveys both online and offline, which are then discussed interactively. Active IPA Education students, HIMA IPA board members, and the academic community participate directly in these discussions. The theme of this activity is "Bridging Aspirations, Building Solutions." The event took place on Monday, June 3, 2024, from 08:00 to 11:00 WIB, in the FMIPA UNY Seminar Room, and was conducted both offline and online via Zoom.

The event was attended by 67 participants, with 34 attending offline and 33 via Zoom. The expected outcome of this activity is to develop students who are active, aspirational, and concerned about issues in their surroundings. Additionally, the results from the surveys will be published to the IPA Education academic community for further action. The event began with a prayer and the singing of the Indonesian national anthem and the HIMA IPA anthem. The agenda included an opening, presentation of the aspiration PPT covering various topics such as the Merdeka Campus Program, Supervisors and Thesis, PK and KKN, Lecturer and Staff Performance, Facilities, Other Aspirations, and the HIMA IPA 2024 Organization. Following the presentation, there was a discussion session where lecturers responded to the aspirations presented in the PPT and engaged with other students. The event concluded with a group documentation session.

Auliya Maharani Septi, the Person in Charge of the 2024 Scholarship Forum Program, stated, "Alhamdulillah, this event went smoothly, although there are still some areas for improvement. I hope this activity benefits all participants, and that the aspirations conveyed will be addressed promptly." The IPA Family Dialogue demonstrates HIMA IPA FMIPA UNY's commitment to listening to and following up on student aspirations. Through this activity, it is hoped that the relationship between students and the academic community will become closer, and innovative solutions can be created for mutual progress.