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Cooking oil or cooking oil waste is usually only disposed of by housewives and street food stalls selling various types of food, from small businesses. Whereas waste cooking oil waste is a type of waste that is quite polluting the environment, because it is non-polar so it cannot dissolve in polar water. So when thrown into the waters of used cooking oil it is difficult to lose.
Students of Science Study Program FMIPA UNY who joined the Entrepreneurship Student Creativity Program (PKMK) team namely Hasan Ashari, Asri Novianti, C. Nulat Panggayuh Mahardika, Wahana Cahya Wibawa succeeded in utilizing used cooking oil to be used as floor cleaner.
Asri said, carbolic cooking oil (Karbol Milan) is produced in several scent variants, namely lime, apple, bougenvil, and jasmine. Milan carbols are packed in 600mL clear plastic bottles with product labels and instructions for use.
"The process of producing Milan Carbolic is divided into three stages, namely the cooking oil purification stage, the stage of carbolic manufacturing, and the product packaging stage," he continued. Explained, carbolic is a floor cleaning product that is widely used by the public. Floor cleaning products are a necessity for households and all institutional buildings, institutions or shopping centers.
For large buildings every day it takes a large amount of floor cleaning carbol, considering the price of cleaning is quite expensive so it takes a large budget to meet the needs of floor cleaning. "Then this Carbolic Milan product which utilizes waste cooking oil has a more economical price compared to carbolic in general. So that the need for floor cleaners can be fulfilled without the need to provide a large enough budget, "he continued.
Hasan Ashari said, Carbol Milan has advantages compared to other existing carbolic products because Carbolic Milan uses cooking oil waste material, so the price will be more affordable. With a very economical price, the potential for Carbol Milan to be accepted by the market is huge, with quality that does not disappoint but is cheaper than other carbolic products. Considering that currently consumers are very careful in buying products and prices are the main factors being considered. (witono)
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Program Studi Pendidikan IPA
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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