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Visiting Professor and Sharing Session With Prof. Amy Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles at the department of Science Education
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The Science Education Department of UNY held a visiting professor activity by presenting Prof. Amy Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles from Southern Cross University, Australia. Prof. Amy is a professor in the field of Sustainability, Environment, and Education. She is also the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Education. She is also the Research Leader of the 'Sustainability, Environment, the Arts in Education' (SEAE) Research Cluster. Prof. Amy has published more than 150 publications related to ontologies in nature through socioecological and more recently post-humanist theoretical orientations. The activity took place for 3 days, Monday-Wednesday, August 7-9, 2023, at the FMIPA UNY Seminar Room. The activity was attended by 92 3rd semester students in the Department of Science Education UNY, because students get Environmental Science courses, so it suits the materials presented by Prof. Amy. On day 1, students learned about ecological topics and ecological literacy. In addition to the opportunity to lecture with students in semester 3, on day 1, Prof. Amy also had the opportunity to fill a sharing session with lecturers in the Science Education Department. The discussion was lively regarding sustainable education and environmental education research opportunities.
On the second day, students were invited to learn outside the classroom and interact directly with the environment and nature. The topics discussed on the 2nd day were related to Human Position in Their Environmental System and Its Problems and Green Technology. The highlight topic on this day was See, Hear, Feel, and Think in terms of connecting students with the environment. Prof. Amy focuses on teaching students as prospective teachers, so Prof. Amy emphasizes that students must know the environment well, and care about the environment so that later they can provide their students with materials related to the environment. Students are also invited to recall when they first interacted with the environment when they were children. In addition to being invited to interact directly with the environment, students are allowed to make presentations in front of the class. On day 3, Prof. Amy brought a direct object in the form of polluted water, because the topic on day 3 was Environmental Pollution. Students are invited to discuss the types of pollution, the causes of a polluted environment, and how to overcome a polluted environment. Prof. Amy also brought a real object in the form of a terrarium; students were invited to identify the components of the terrarium and what topics could be taught using this media. Students were very happy during the visiting professor because they got new information related to understanding the environment from a different perspective.
Kontak Kami
Program Studi Pendidikan IPA
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
Email: s1pend_ipa@uny.ac.id
Instagram: @depdikipauny
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