Chief of Science Education Laboratory and Lecturer of FMIPA UNY Participate in Laboratory Supervisor Certification, Improve Laboratory Management Competence

In order to improve laboratory management competence, two lecturers and laboratory heads from the Science Education Study Program, FMIPA, Yogyakarta State University, Dr. Maryati and Didik Setyawarno, participated in training and certification as Laboratory Supervisors. The activity, which took place on October 16-18, 2024 at the Loman Park Hotel, Yogyakarta, is an important part of developing the quality of science education laboratories at UNY. This certification aims to strengthen expertise in high-standard laboratory management, while also answering the demands of the world of education in producing competent science teacher candidates.
The competencies trained in this program cover various important aspects, from the implementation and monitoring of environmentally friendly work practices, the development and maintenance of laboratory documents, to team management and development. In addition, participants are also trained to supervise laboratory operations, maintain registration and compliance with laws, and maintain quality systems and continuous improvement processes in the work environment. Other competencies taught include the implementation and monitoring of the K3 (Occupational Safety and Health) and environmental management systems, conducting internal audits of quality systems, and evaluating and selecting appropriate test methods or procedures.
No less important, this training also provides skills in developing or adapting analysis procedures, integrating data acquisition and interface systems, and monitoring the quality of test results and data. In addition, participants are also equipped with the ability to maintain laboratory instruments and equipment so that they continue to function properly, which is an important element in maintaining the quality of research and learning in the laboratory.
For lecturers of Science Education, the ability to manage a laboratory well is an urgent need. These competencies are very relevant because lecturers are not only responsible for laboratory operations, but also have a role in equipping students with laboratory management skills. In this context, good mastery of laboratory management will prepare prospective science teachers to understand in depth the management of safe, efficient, and industrially standardized laboratories.
Furthermore, this training is also in line with the "Science Laboratory Management and Techniques" course in the Science Education curriculum, FMIPA UNY. The competencies gained from this training will greatly support classroom learning, where lecturers can provide practical guidance and real examples to students on how to properly manage a laboratory. This will certainly improve the quality of graduates who are ready to contribute to the world of education and research in the future. By participating in this training, it is hoped that Dr. Maryati and Didik Setyawarno can bring positive changes in laboratory management at FMIPA UNY, as well as continue to develop innovations in the field of laboratory learning and research. This step is also part of UNY's ongoing efforts to realize quality education that is adaptive to technological developments and industry needs.