Wihardianto Setia Nugroho, M.Eng. Gives a Guest Lecture: Utilization of ICT to Improve Learning Creativity at FMIPA UNY

On October 17, 2024, 5th semester students of the Science Education Study Program of Yogyakarta State University (UNY) attended a guest lecture delivered by Wihardianto Setia Nugroho, M.Eng. from the DIY Center for Communication and Education Technology. The lecture themed "Utilization of ICT as a Creative Media in Learning" discussed the introduction of blended learning, good practices in its application, and how information and communication technology (ICT) can be integrated into the learning process. In addition to providing new insights for students, this guest lecture also functions as a refresher for UNY Science Education lecturers in developing teaching materials, especially in the context of science learning strategies and media.
In his presentation, Wihardianto explained the various benefits that can be obtained from the use of ICT in learning, including increasing the achievement of learning objectives and student involvement. By using technology, students are more active in the learning process, which has a positive impact on understanding the material. ICT can also increase students' motivation and interest in learning, as well as explore their creative potential. In addition, the application of ICT in learning allows the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and improves students' ability to collaborate. The learning experience becomes more interesting and enjoyable, where the interaction between students and teachers improves, while students' digital skills can also develop. Furthermore, Wihardianto also introduced the role of Balai Tekkomdik in developing ICT-based teaching media, managing ICT-based learning services, and improving teacher competence in utilizing ICT for learning. This information is very relevant for the development of teaching materials at FMIPA UNY, where lecturers can utilize the latest resources and technology to improve the quality of teaching. This activity is expected to have a positive impact on students and lecturers in compiling teaching materials that are more innovative and in accordance with the times. With the application of ICT in learning, Science Education FMIPA UNY is committed to producing a generation of competent teachers who are ready to face the challenges of the world of education in the future.