• Post date: 30/05/2024 - 14:02

    Virtual reality (VR) plays an important role for science education students in facing the challenges of 21st century learning. Through VR technology, students can experience immersive and interactive learning, allowing them to explore scientific concepts in a more immersive and realistic way. This not only enhances the understanding of complex concepts, but also facilitates the critical and creative skills required in the modern world of science. Thus, the...

  • Post date: 26/05/2024 - 19:44

    The sixth-semester students of Science Education Class A, along with several students from the Kampus Merdeka program, conducted an industrial visit to the Bandeng Juwana Elrina factory. This activity, participated by 40 students and one accompanying lecturer, aimed to provide practical insights into the production process, product innovation, and sales strategies in a renowned local food industry in Semarang. This visit was organized as part of the...

  • Post date: 23/05/2024 - 20:31

    Monday and Tuesday, 6 and 7 May 2024, will be an important momentum for the development of integrated natural science (PA) education. Teaching practitioners from the Hasnur Center Foundation HAFECS unit, Danang Bagus Yudhistira, S.Si., M.Sc., were present to deliver important material for educators. The course discussed is Integrated Science & Learning, a field that is increasingly attracting the interest of educators in developing a more holistic and...

  • Post date: 23/05/2024 - 20:30

    As part of the MSIB Independent Campus initiative, the certified internship program has provided a golden opportunity for two 2020 Science Education Study Program students, Okta Fathoni Kurniawan and Anisa Dhamayanti. They have been involved in internships at PT Semesta Generasi Digital, better known as, an entity that brings innovation to the world of education. The internship, which starts on February 16 2024, and lasts until June 30 2024, offers...

  • Post date: 23/05/2024 - 20:29

    The 2024 class IV teaching practitioner program continues to show a strong commitment to improving the quality of higher education in Indonesia. As part of this effort, the FMIPA UNY Science Education Study Program has succeeded in obtaining a grant to invite the best practitioners into their classes, presenting a valuable opportunity for students to gain direct insight from experts in the field. On Friday, May 3 2024, the seminar room on the 2nd floor of FMIPA...

  • Post date: 23/05/2024 - 20:28

    Students in the second semester of the Yogyakarta State University (UNY) Science Education Study Program on Thursday, May 2 2024, had the rare opportunity to attend an inspiring practitioner lecture in the Earth and Space Science (IPBA) course. The activity which was held in the Sugeng Mardiyono Seminar Room at the UNY Postgraduate School was the main highlight for the participants. With burning enthusiasm, they gathered at 09.00 to absorb the knowledge that...
